- World Health Organization treaty is an attack on national sovereignty, part of a «global coup»
- MindSpace, Psyops, and Cognitive Warfare: Winning the Battle for the Mind
- The Drought
- A reply to skeptic’s smear attack
- Genocide: visible and invisible
- Taming the Intractables: How to Make Hurricanes Behave
- The Last Night of Svarog
- The untold history of Russia 2 US
- The untold history of Russia 1US
- The Theory of the Universe and Objective Reality US
- Nicolai Levashov and his work US
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The War of Two Worlds. BRICS Do not lose sight of the big game: The hegemon is fighting for supremacy against a multipolar but heterogeneous world. Part 2 is about the organization that is challengin...

The War of Two Worlds. Beginning Despite the breathtaking pace set by President Trump, we should not lose sight of the big game: The hegemon is fighting for supremacy against a multipolar but heterog...

The “Great” Judaic Revolution of 1917 in the Russian Empir Excerpt from the book by Nikolai Levashov "Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors"Vol 1. "From the Ruses of the Star to the defile...

Geoengineering Is a Weapon of Mass Destruction Solving the ‘Climate Crisis’ Is Bad for Business and Worse for Politics The article “Harvard Shuts Geoengineering Project” by Cauf Skiviers, expl...

The Final Appeal to Mankin The universe...the mystery of Life! How did life begin from non-living matter? How did it happen that inorganic atoms, combining in various orders and quantities, created ...

Some Call It Conspiracy Theory Part 2 Previous A Conspiracy Theorist Confesses I am what the general population, politicians and the mainstream media (MSM) would call a conspiracy theorist. W...

Some Call It Conspiracy Theory Part 1 There are certain assumptions that are applied to anyone labelled a “conspiracy theorist”—and all of them are fallacies. Indeed, the term “conspiracy theory” is...

Professor Werner Kirstein: Man-made climate change is a scam orchestrated by politicians Experienced geographer-climatologist, Prof. Werner Kirstein speaks in plain language. In an interview on ...

Near-death experiences: 30 years of research Part 5 Previous Eben Alexander was your typical neurosurgeon. A firm believer of scientific reductionism, he thought that all thoughts originate from th...

Near-death experiences: 30 years of research Part 4 Previous In the past 50 years or so, a phenomenon termed near-death experiences (NDE) started to gain people’s attention. People who were...

Near-death experiences: 30 years of research Part 3 Previous Are NDEs hallucinations? How do you approve or disapprove of near-death experiences (NDEs) that are entirely from the spiri...
Evil, no matter how strong it may seem at first glance, is not capable of evolution ...

Welcome, dear friend! This site contains Knowledge, a unique Knowledge that until now was not available for those who wish. This Knowledge is about numerous mysteries of Life, a structure of the Univ...

Genocide: visible and invisible By Nicolai Levashov It so happens that the modern interpretation of the word "genocide" is the physical elimination of one people by another for very different reason...

Viewing Rules of Healing Session 1 Healing Session 1 You have an opportunity to download a Healing Session 1 absolutely free. It will help you to feel better and to improve your general state of hea...