Recovery Session 1


You have an opportunity to download a Recovery Session 1 absolutely free. It will help you to feel better and to improve your general state of health. The Session 1 is not intended for the treatment of any particular disease. However, in many cases it will help you to get rid of many problems with your health.

It is earnestly recommended to view the session once a day only. Please, read the Rules before viewing and do not forget to observe them. After downloading only the first ten viewings will be accompanied by the recovering effect of the session. Then it will dissapear.

The duration of the session is about 6 minutes. The size of the file is 14,6 Mb



Recovery Session 2


You have an opportunity to download a Recovery Session 2 absolutely free. It will help you to feel better and to improve your general state of health. It is highly recommended to start viewing the Session 2 after tenfold viewing of the Session 1. The Session 2 will give a positive effect in itself too. However, the influence of the Session 2 will be less effective without a tenfold viewing of the Session 1.

It is earnestly recommended to view the session no more than once a day. Please, read the Rules before viewing and do not forget to observe them. After downloading only the first ten viewings will be accompanied by the recovering effect of the session. Then it will dissapear.

The duration of the session is about 6 minutes. The size of the file is 14,6 Mb



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