Page 7 - Revelation
P. 7

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

                  Addendum to Preface

                  As we grow, mature and get older, our life is filled with plenty of recollections,
            which are dear to our heart, but sometimes absolutely unnecessary. They overload our
            memory, which already is so tired, leaving in it only fragments of the events which
            happened a long time ago and vague faces of people who you met also a long time

                  Present ousts the past bit by bit, encumbering our brain, which has been already
            strongly over-loaded with today’s important events, and our lovely childhood and
            youth, so dear to our hearts, gradually recede into the background, being blurred by
            the stream of the important today...
                  No matter how bright a life we have lived and how brilliant our memory, nobody
            is able to reconstruct events which happened forty (or more) years ago with total
                  For reasons of which we are unaware, sometimes a person or a fact leaves an
            indelible  impression  and  is  literally  "imprinted"  in  our  memory  forever,  and
            sometimes something very important disappears in the ever-flowing stream of time
            and only an accidental conversation with an old acquaintance unexpectedly snatches
            out  some  exceptionally  important  event  from  the  nooks  of  our  memory  and  the
            thought that we could have forgotten such a thing amazes us to the bottom of our

                  Before I started writing this book, I tried to refresh some events in my memory
            which I considered important for me and interesting enough for telling to others, but
            to my huge disappointment I understood that even my excellent memory would be
            unable to restore many details, and especially dialogues, which happened such a long
            time ago, with appropriate accuracy.
                  Therefore I decided to use the most reliable and well proven method – time travel
            – in order  to rebuild any event and any detail of the past with absolute exactness, re-
            living exactly that day (or days) when the event I choose to tell about took place. It
            was the only way to get the result I aimed for, because the usual "normal" method
            cannot, with exactitude, reproduce past events.

                   Perfectly  understanding  that  such  detailed  precision,  down  to  the  minutest
            details of the dialogues, mine and other protagonists, and the very events, may leave
            my readers perplexed and even in doubt (and give the opportunity to my "ill-wishers",
            if any, to call all of it a "fantasy"), I therefore wrote this addendum, considering my
            moral imperative to try to explain somehow what will be going on here.
                  In case of my being unsuccessful in that, I just would like to invite all those
            interested to slightly lift the veil of time with me for a short while and to live together
            my strange and sometimes even slightly mad, but very unusual and colourful, life…

                     The beginning

                  From a bird's-eye view of the past years of our life, our dear childhood looks
            more like some kind of very beautiful fairy-tale which we heard a very long time ago.
            Warm mother’s hands carefully covering you with a blanket before sleep, long and

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