Page 91 - Revelation
P. 91

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation


                  – How  do  you  know  that  it  is  precisely  him?  –  I  asked,  still  showing  little
                  – Why? It’s very simple! – The girl stared at me in surprise. – We all have a spirit
            which has a "key" and everybody can be found by means of it. One just has to know
            how to do it. Here, look...

                  She again showed Harold’s son.
                  – Think of his spirit and you will see...
                  At once I saw a transparent, brightly shining and surprisingly powerful spirit. An
            unusual "diamond" energy star sparkled on its chest, flashing with all colours of the
            rainbow. It slowly pulsated – shrinking and then enlarging – and sparkled so brightly,
            as if it were indeed made of the finest diamonds that ever existed on Earth.

                  – Do you see that strange inverted star on his chest? It’s his "key". And if you
            try to follow it, like following a thread, it will bring you straight to Axel who has the
            same star and it will be the same spirit, only it its next embodiment.
                  I could not restrain my utter surprise so that Stella laughed and merrily confessed:

                  – Hey, don’t think that I knew it all by myself. It was my Gran who taught me!
                  I was very ashamed to feel absolutely incompetent and clumsy, but the desire to
            know more was hundred times stronger than any shame; therefore I swallowed my
            pride carefully and asked:
                  – What about those amazing "realities" we observe here? Is that in fact somebody
            else’s life and you do not create it like you create all your worlds?

                  – Of  course,  not!  –  The  girl  was  happy  about  the  opportunity  to  explain
            something to me. – It’s just a past where all these people once lived and I simply
            transport us there.
                  – And what about Harold? How does he see all this?

                  – Oh, it’s easy for him! He is like me, dead, so he can move wherever he wants.
            He does not have a physical body, therefore there are no obstacles for his spirit here
            and it can travel anywhere he chooses... like me... – The girl finished on a cheerless
                  I sadly thought that what was a "simple transfer into the past" for her would
            certainly be a "secret sealed with seven seals" for me for a long time... But Stella
            hurried to calm me, as if she heard my thoughts:
                  – You’ll see. It’s very simple! You just have to try.

                  – And these "keys" – don’t they ever repeat in others? – I decided to continue
                  – No, but  sometimes  another  thing  may  happen...  –  The  little  one  answered,
            oddly smiling for some reason. – In the beginning that was how I fell into a trap and
            was battered quite seriously... It was so foolish!

                  – What happened? – I became very interested.
                  Stella merrily answered: – Oh, it was very funny! – And on thinking a little,
            added, – but dangerous too... I was looking for Gran’s past embodiment all over the

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