Page 20 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 20

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            Dazdbog’s actions to destroy the base of the Koscheys, rulers of the grey, part of
            which was located on Lelia, the nearest moon to Midgard-Earth, which was one of
            three Moons which our planet had then: Fatta, Lelia, Mesiats  (some Slavs still call
            the remaining Moon of our planet Mesiats). Lelia, the nearest Moon, took only seven
            days to orbit the Earth. Dazdbog, or the God Tarkh Perunovich , a God-Keeper of
            the ancient Great Wisdom, was called a giving god (dazd or daj is to give, bog is a
            god), because he gave Nine Santias (books)  to the people of the Great Race and the
            descendants of the Celestial Kin. The Koscheys, the Princes of Darkness, were the
            authentic rulers of the Dark Worlds, along with the Dark Legs and Dark Arlegs. In
            Russian fairy-tales the Russian epic heroes battle with Koschey the Immortal res-
            cuing Vasilisa the Beautiful, who symbolizes the Motherland, Midgard-earth, from
            his claws. Isn’t it interesting?!

                  As a result of star wars between Light and Dark Forces, one Moon, Lelia, went
            off its orbit and its splinter-svarogiches fell on the Earth, causing a planetary catas-
            trophe: the tectonic plates were displaced and Da’Arya sank into the Arctic Ocean.
            Undoubtedly, this continent did  exist and was an ancient Motherland of the  white
            race; as a result of the catastrophe it went down to the seabed, but there is another
            question then: where are the sunken continents which were the ancient Motherlands
            of other races — yellow, red and black?! And, if these sunken continents existed, the
            probability of their simultaneous immersion on the bottom of the ocean is zero; in
            fact there were not many “unnecessary” continents on our Midgard-earth. Thus, there
            are no arguments which would explain the absence of the fossil remains of transition-
            al forms. The reason this is impossible to explain is simple: modern man, basic races
            of Homo sapiens, never evolved on Midgard-earth.

                  As for the sunken continent of Da’Arya it is possible to suppose the following:

                  1. This continent sank later, about thirty to forty-five thousand years ago, as a
            result of the planetary catastrophe which followed the Star War between Light and
            Dark Forces. In other words, those were external (to Midgard-earth) highly developed
            civilizations for which our planet became a stumbling-stone.

                  2. The memory of our ancestors’ ancient Motherland, Da’Arya, is in regard to
            another  planet  from  which  our  ancestors  came.  For  example,  it  could  be  Dea  de-
            stroyed during those Star Wars, the fifth planet of our planetary system, situated be-
            tween the orbits of Orey (the planet Mars) and Perun (the planet Jupiter). There is an
            asteroid belt instead of it now.

                  3. This continent sank about one hundred and ten thousand years ago, but there
            was a base of other civilizations which had controlled the development of the ecolog-
            ical system of Earth.
                  4. Da’Arya sank into the Arctic Ocean one hundred and ten thousand years ago,

                  16   Fatta’s orbital period (ancient Greeks called this planet the Phaeton) was13 days;  Lelia, the nearest to the
            Earth and the smallest of all Moons, had its orbital period of 7 days.
                  17  Tarkh Perunovich means Tarkh the son of Perun.
                  18  The Slavonic-Aryan Vedas. Book 3. Ingliism, p. 45.

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