Page 159 - The Mirror of My Soul. Vol. 1
P. 159
Nicolai Levashov. The Mirror of My Soul. Vol. 1. Born in the USSR
In spite of the fact that these medications led Lori Nikolaevich almost to the grave,
it was impossible to stop taking them immediately—the metabolism could not do
without them after pro-longed consumption. Above all things, it was necessary to
recover normal metabolism in the organ-ism without the additional chemical agents
which had entered into it in the form of pills and injections.
We should never forget that medical products are a set of active chemical agents
which, when getting in the blood, are spread by the latter throughout the whole organism
and in the end appear in cells. Besides, once getting into cells, these active chemical
agents begin to enter into chemical re-actions with the inclusions and chemical
composition of a cell, thus, changing its chemical “profile”. In a number of cases,
medicinal chemistry causes morphological changes in cells of human tissues that sooner
or later result in new pathologies.
Exactly this is the reason for the side effects of the ingestion of medications. Very
often these side effects are much more dangerous than the problems which these
medications allegedly should cure. I remember a medical anecdote regarding this
issue—a professor asks his students-physicians…, “well, what are we going to do—
begin the treatment or let him live?!”
Medications can have a positive effect, considering their negative essence, when
they are used for a very short time and do not create irreversible changes in the human
organism. In all other cases they are poisons which quickly or slowly kill a person. Lori
Nikolaevich Popov’s example is an evidence of such destruction by medication.
Certainly, the unspecific ulcerous colitis with which they began his treatment was not a
gift, but everything that he “earned” as a result of the medical treatment, negatively told
on his health and created even greater danger!
As a result of the “treatment” the following was added to his unspecific ulcerous
colitis: a complete elimination of intestine’s micro-flora, serious destruction of the liver
and adrenal glands, serious metabolic failure, almost complete destruction of the
immune system, complete exhaustion of the organism and anaemia because of the
iron deficiency! As we can see, six new problems were added to one previous problem.
Moreover, they were much more serious than the initial problem! At the same time, the
initial problem, the unspecific ulcerous colitis, remained!
After I had worked with Lori Nikolaevich, he recovered completely, his unspecific
ulcerous colitis and the rest of the “bouquet” of illnesses disappeared without a trace. He
not only recovered completely but also returned to a full-fledged life and creative work.
Almost sixteen years has passed from the moment of his convalescence, he is already a
pensioner, but he continues his active life and up till now he has had no relapses. But,
all this will happen in the far future, and, when I began my influence, he, being a
physician, was absolutely convinced that it was simply impossible for me to help him.
When he returned to normal life pretty quickly, he was very thankful to me for getting
his health back and also became my friend and follower, along with his family.
I have given examples of what happened when I helped two very different people,
returning them their health and, very possibly, life. One person appeared to be
dishonorable, despite the fact that the truth he should have told could not harm him, and
the other, in spite of the fact that his col-league-physicians had a pronounced negative
attitude to everything “alternative” which sometimes came to complete denial, always
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