
Chemtrails, graphene, 'Covid-19' - is there a connection and what


It's a common question and many people know for sure that chemtrails exist, that those white stripes in the sky are deliberately sprayed and that there might be extra tanks in the planes for that purpose. That cloud seeding has been around for decades, everyone should know by now. However, the existence of secret tanks in commercial aircraft has never been demonstrated. However, photos of special cloud seeding aircraft are circulating and these are also 100% certain to exist (see here).

I thought it would be useful to do some additional research on the possibility of putting graphene oxide in aircraft fuel. I had suspected for some time that graphene oxide could be put into aircraft fuel. The first question then is whether this is technically possible and whether the engines will not be damaged by it. And the second, but equally important question, is whether graphene oxide promotes cloud seeding.

Let's face it; it's not that hard to keep two different fuel supplies at airports. One stock consists of the kerosene you always use and the other mixed with the desired percentage of graphene oxide (for when you want to do cloud seeding). You could also possibly mix it in when filling up an aircraft. That might require some modifications, but technically it should be feasible.

It is also the most covert form of cloud seeding because no pilot or ground personnel need to know about it. You can instruct flight control to have aircraft take off or land in a certain route pattern, so that the area over which you want to apply cloud seeding is covered as much as possible. This does not even have to be justified, but you could use the argument of spreading the CO2 footprint.

Graphene oxide in kerosene

Okay, so first we're going to look at the question of whether graphene oxide can be mixed into jet fuel. It turns out that this is absolutely technically feasible. For example, the website researchgate.net reports:

Graphene-based nanomaterials have been considered as effective catalysts for the oxidation of fuel and propellant, including nitromethane, nitrocellulose , carbon monoxide, methylcylcohexane, Jatropha Methyl Ester, diesel and biodiesel blends and various aviation fuels in the past decade. Therefore, the fundamental understanding of catalytic reaction mechanisms by graphene-based nanomaterials is highly desirable for improving their practical applications(source, January 2018)

From Schlieren photography, the combustion test of GO-Jet A-1 mixtures in the closed single-shot facilities showed that the addition of GO nanosheets can accelerate the initial linear burning rate and shorten the ignition delay times. For 17.9% Jet A-1 in air, the addition of GO (2 mg/ml) increased the initial linear burn rate from 4.52 to 5.15 m/s (13.8%) and reduced the ignition delay times from 8.195 to 3.045 ms (30%). (source, January 2019)

And physiscsworld.com reported the following on December 2, 2021:

The simple addition of nanoparticles to a hydrocarbon fuel can significantly change the characteristics of combustion, researchers in Canada discovered. By doping liquid ethanol with tiny particles of graphene oxide under varying conditions, Sepehr Mosadegh and colleagues at the University of British Columbia Okanagan Campus and Zentek in Thunder Bay Ontario showed how the additive can stimulate the breakdown of the fuel into tiny liquid droplets. Their discovery could one day lead to improved fuels for aircraft engines, making them both greener and more powerful.

Maybe DARPA knew about it for a little longer! We might assume that this has been happening for a long time and that the scientific studies should give the impression that it is all still very surprising and new, but we don't want to be conspiracy theorists.

Graphene oxide and cloud seeding

Linda Zou and Haoran Liang, from the University of Science and Technology at Abu Dhabi. received a patent on July 23, 2020 for the application of graphene oxide in cloud seeding (click here for the patent).

The official title is "3D reduced graphene oxide/SIO2 composite for ice nucleation. That is a scientific term for ice formation using graphene oxide and another investigated material (SIO2 composite). That ice formation, implies that water must first be formed from water vapor, which then leads to freezing. In fact, that is the definition of cloud seeding, and it is evident from a quote from the patent:

After investigating in the literature, several materials have also been found to promote ice germination, including carbon nanomaterials such as graphene and its derivatives due to their intrinsic and functionalized surface properties. In particular, the triangular subgrid of graphite (2.46 Angstrom) corresponds to the natural ice structure, which could promote the epitaxial growth of the stable hexagonal ice at the atomic level. 

Graphene derivatives such as graphene oxide (GO) also exhibit ice germicidal properties because water molecules can be efficiently trapped by several hydrophilic oxygenated functional groups that exist on GO. 

It has been reported that atmospheric ice particles play a crucial role in cloud formation.

Graphene oxide can achieve cloud seeding in jet fuel

We can therefore conclude with certainty that graphene oxide is extremely suitable for cloud seeding and that it is also suitable for adding to jet fuel. It even improves the combustion process. For the record, graphene oxide (GO) is a catalyst and therefore does not burn itself during the combustion process.

That immediately raises the question of whether it might also be in automotive fuel. I'll leave that question to your own imagination. I did want to look beyond the subject of cloud seeding.

The pressing question that has been on my mind for a while is whether graphene oxide (which may be sprayed into the air without pilots' knowledge, being through the fuel) will also end up in our groundwater when it falls, whether plants and trees absorb it, and whether animals and humans can breathe it in or perhaps ingest it through the skin.

Let me focus first on the question of whether graphene oxide can enter through the lungs and skin and then possibly cause damage. The rest is worth studying as well, but that will come later.

Graphene oxide through the skin and lungs

Can graphene oxide easily penetrate through the skin? The short answer is "yes. For example, extensive research has been done on drug delivery through the skin using graphene oxide. Just look at what Google says when you do a search:

Nanoparticles can penetrate the skin depending on size, charge and surface chemistry. These colloidal particle systems with sizes often around or below 200 nm offer targeted drug delivery, sustained release, enhanced biostability and low toxicity. May 25, 2021

So it depends on the size, but in theory graphene oxide is capable of penetrating through the skin. That leaves the question of whether it can also penetrate through your lungs. There has been research done on that, but that research was done on rats and that mainly looked at whether there were any poisoning effects.

The study can be found on the National Library of Medicine website and references several other studies regarding the toxicity of graphene oxide. A quote from that research report:

When the lateral size was less than 5 μm, graphene- and graphene oxide-incubated alveolar macrophages showed similar results with minimal toxicity. However, when the lateral size was greater than 5 μm, graphene induced an inflammatory response in the BAL fluid after exposure (Ma-hock et al., 2013).

BAL fluid is a medical abbreviation for "Bronchoalveolar lavage" which stands for the collection and examination of lung fluid. In short the very smallest nanoparticles of graphene oxide do not appear to be toxic, but graphene oxide from 5 μm upwards does cause inflammation of the lungs.


We can then conclude that it is in principle possible to do cloud seeding via jet fuel (added in any way) and that graphene oxide has no adverse effect on combustion or engines. It even makes for more economical fuel consumption (which could be a selling point to convince the airlines).

We don't know the exact dimensions of any (and possible) graphene oxide added to fuel, but in principle it can cause pneumonia at sizes starting at 5 μm. It can also enter through the skin.

Now we know that pneumonia was one of the 'covid-19' phenomena. We just don't know for sure if graphene oxide was added to jet fuel (kerosene) or maybe even car fuel by the fuel suppliers (the big oil companies). However, we can look up and observe regular patterns and note that the cloud streaks do linger for a very long time.

So potentially, adding graphene oxide could accelerate cloud formation (the cloud seeding effect), it could enter your skin and lungs, and you could theoretically even get 'covid-19' symptoms (a pneumonia) from it. Or is this already the case in practice? What do you think?

Martin Frijland


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