Page 15 - Revelation
P. 15

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            Honestly speaking, in no way could I understand what kind of a talent it was from
            which all my friends tried to keep as far away as possible! But this was a reality and
            I had to live with it. Therefore I tried to adapt to it somehow and share my strange
            "abilities and talents" with my friends and acquaintances as little as possible.

                  Although sometimes it slipped out unwillingly, like, for example, I often knew
            what would happen in that or any other day or hour to one or another of my friends
            and  wanted  to  help  them,  warning  them  about  it.  But  to  my  great  surprise  they
            preferred  to  know  nothing  and  were  angry  with  me,  when  I  tried  to  explain
            something to them. Then, for the first time, I understood that not all people were
            eager to hear the truth, even if it could help them somehow. And this discovery
            made me even sadder.

                     The first contact

                  Six months after my grandpa’s death an event happened, which I think is worth
            a special mention. It was a winter night (then, the winters in Lithuania were very
            cold!). I had just gone to bed when suddenly I felt a strange and very soft "call", as if
            someone called me from very far away. I got up and came to the window. The night
            was very quiet, bright and serene. A thick snow-cover shimmered with cold sparks all
            over our dormant garden, as if the reflection of countless stars gently spun a sparkling
            silver spider web on it. It was so quiet, as if the world stiffened in a strange lethargic
                  Suddenly right in front of my window I saw the luminous figure of a woman. It
            was very tall, higher than three meters, absolutely transparent and sparkled, as if being
            woven from billions of stars. I felt a strange warmth coming from her and embracing
            me as if she called me somewhere. The stranger waved her hand, inviting me to follow
            her, and I did. The windows in my room were very large and long. They almost
            reached the earth, so I could easily get outside at any time. I followed my unusual
            guest without feeling the least fear. There was another very strange thing – I absolutely
            did not feel cold, although the outside temperature then was not, probably, less than
            20 C below zero and I wore only my night gown.

                  The woman (if I may call her so) waved again with her hand, as if inviting me to
            follow her. I was very surprised that a normal moonlight path suddenly changed its
            direction and "followed" the stranger, creating a luminous path. I understood that I
            must go exactly there. Thus I followed my guest right to the forest. There was still a
            piercing and stark silence. Everything around sparkled and shimmered in the silent
            light of the moon. Everything was so still, as if the whole world froze in expectation
            of what was about to happen. The transparent figure moved farther and, as if being
            charmed, I followed her. I still did not feel cold, although, as I understood later, I was
            barefoot. There was another oddity. My feet did not break the thin crust of ice over
            snow, but floated over the surface without leaving any footsteps on it.
                  At last we reached a small round glade and there, in the moonlight, were several
           very tall and incredibly sparkling figures. They looked very like us, people, only they
           were absolutely transparent and weightless, like my exceptionally uncommon guest.
           They all wore long streaming clothes which looked like white shimmering cloaks.

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