Page 18 - Spirit and Mind. Vol 1
P. 18

Nicolai Levashov. Spirit and mind. Vol.1

                  At the same time, we must not forget that the blocks of different sizes do not
            disappear. They continue to exist but we cannot create a picture with them similar to
            what we made before. However, we could make other pictures from them by sorting
            them out according to size and shape. But these designs would be of a different type
            and would not influence or change our original "picture" one iota.

                  By the same token — in addition to space universes of our type, other space

            universes exist with a different value for their quantization index, γi. But since they
            have virtually no impact upon our type of space, we may disregard them in our study
            of our universe's origin.

                  The  permissible  forms  of  primary  matter,  i.e.  those  comprising  our  space
            universe of dimensionality L, do not interact with each other in uniform space — i.e.,

            space of homogeneous (isotropic) dimensionality.

                  In other words, their coefficient of interaction α in a uniform space, i.e., a space
            of  homogenous  dimensionality  α,  equals  0.  However,  during  an  explosion  of  a
            supernova,  there  is  a  spread  of  concentric  waves  which  deforms  the  surrounding
            space, creating zones of spatial nonuniformity (anisotropy).

                  Therefore,  when  free  forms  of  matter  of  our  space  universe  enter  these
            nonuniform  zones,  they  find  themselves  under  totally  new  conditions  and,
            accordingly,  manifest  themselves  in  a  different  way.  New  "picture  mosaics"  start
            arising from the same seven "blocks" (primary matters) in the zones of dimensional
            nonuniformity.  Under  these  different  conditions,  free  forms  of  matter  begin  to
            emerge and create new qualities in accordance with the dimensionality gradient in the
            nonuniform zone.

                  Every  new  change  in  spatial  dimensionality  by  a  value  of  ΔL  within  the
            nonuniform zone creates conditions for combining with the next emerging form of
            matter. This process continues until the whole nonuniform zone is filled with hybrid
            forms of matter (see Fig. 5).

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