Page 12 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 12

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            Siberia with only the clothes they wore when being thrown out of their homes. These
            “voluntary migrants” were not sent to dwell in ready-made cottages in well-equipped
            settlements, but to live “alfresco”, in the open country, more precisely in the virgin
            taiga. People were detrained in the middle of the taiga and given one ax, one saw and
            one shovel for the whole echelon. At the best, people had time to dig themselves into
            earth. Few could survive the winter in these conditions.

                  Some can object, arguing that the party of Bolsheviks served the “proletariat”.
            But for “some” reason they forget to specify that the party of social democrats (the
            Bolsheviks faction) came from the bowels of Bund, which was a Judaic (Jewish) na-
            tionalistic party, in other words, a Zionist party! There were almost NO workers and
            peasants among Israelites! Is it really possible that this party devotedly “served” the
            “revolutionary” class, the proletariat? However, all highly qualified workers were
            the first people the Bolsheviks destroyed. This class, whose interests the Bolsheviks-
            Leninists defended so zealously by means of the dictatorship of proletariat, was simp-
            ly wiped out by them. “It is an obvious misunderstanding here”, some may say. But
            there is no misunderstanding whatsoever; the fact of the matter is that skilled workers
            did not need anyone defending their interests. They got a good salary, at times great-
            er than their colleagues in the “developed” western countries. There were kindergar-
            tens and day nurseries in their enterprises; they could afford to spend their holiday in
            Italy, Greece, etc, which obviously did not coincide with the image of the oppressed
            class which had “nothing to lose except for its own chains”. In order that there would
            be no one who could appeal against this kind of “defense”, they were “simply” de-
            stroyed,  and  then  it  was  much  easier  to  defend  the  interests  of  an  already  non-
            existent class. It was a clever turn, wasn’t it?

                  This can be confirmed by the fact that at  the moment  of the revolution  there
            were twenty five thousand members in the Bolshevik party, almost all of whom were
            professional revolutionaries, and the majority of them lived in immigration, being
            in need of nothing, which required in those, not so distant times, considerable sums of
            money.  I would  like to  remind my readers that a professional revolutionary is  en-
            gaged only in the revolutionary activity and in nothing else. So, if there had been
            workers in this party, they would have been only former ones. All party members
            were professional revolutionaries whose “work” consisted in the undermining of the
            existent  political  system  and  required  enormous  financial  means.  Therefore,  bank
            robberies and other similar methods used by the criminals-soldiers of the party (by
            the way, Joseph Stalin was one of them) could introduce only a tiny share. The main
            means for the Russian Revolution came from far away America and, oddly enough,
            the American multimillionaires who played the role of Santa Claus for the Bolshe-
            viks: again, these American multimillionaires for “some” reason were all Jews.

                  It turned out to be quite strange, the Great “Russian” Revolution, didn’t it? It
            was prepared by Jews; it was performed by Jews; it was financed by Jews; the
            country was headed by Jews after it. But, nevertheless, in all the history books it is
            called the “Great” Russian Revolution!

                  There  is  another  moment,  which  is  also  important.  The  revolution  destroyed
            mainly Russians and other Slavs. This is another “mix-up” of the “fathers” of the

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