Page 10 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 10

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            Phoenix, bringing to all other people the Golden Age.

                  The most powerful blow to the Russian people, to the Hyperboreans , Ariy’s di-
            rect descendants, was inflicted at dawn of the Day of Svarog, when in 1917 Black
            Freemasons, who for the sake of public opinion called themselves Bolsheviks, took
            power in the Russian Empire. There were almost NO ethnic Russians in this black
            power , which pounced upon the Russian people, on their culture, history with all its
            force. In the concentration camps created in Lenin’s lifetime millions of Russians, the
            cream  of the cream  of the nation  –  the Russian nobility, Russian  intellectuals, the
            Corps of Russian officers, Russian industrialists, Russian merchants, were destroyed.
            All these classes were destroyed sparing no one – not only men, but women, children
            and old people were mercilessly killed  outside  of any court and trial, because NO
            COURT would be able to bring any legal foundation to justify the destruction of en-
            tire classes of society according to the principle of belonging to a class. All this took
            place with the implicit agreement of the rest of the world (often with its active assis-
            tance) and no one yelled about the GENOCIDE of the Russians, about the destruction
            of the flower of the Russian nation!

                  Most people bred into the Soviet education system can object: “But these were
            the  representatives  of  exploiter  classes!?”  The  “great”  Karl  Marx  and  his  no  less
            “great” followers like Frederic Engels, Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin), Leo Trotsky and
            many, many others wrote and said so. All people mentioned above, as well as most
            other “theorists” and practical “workers” of the revolution were ethnic Jews. So, why
            is the revolution in Russia called the Great Russian Revolution, if Jews theoretically

                  4  In Greek mythology, according to tradition, the Hyperboreans were a mythical people who lived far to the
            north of Thrace. The Greeks thought that Boreas, the North Wind, lived in Thrace, and that therefore Hyperborea was
            an unspecified nation in the northern lands beyond Scythia. Their land, called Hyperborea or Hyperboria — "beyond
            the Boreas (north wind)" — was perfect, with the sun shining twenty-four hours a day.
                  Alone  among  the  Twelve  Olympians,  Apollo  was  venerated  among  the  Hyperboreans:  he  spent  his  winter
            amongst them. For their part the Hyperboreans sent mysterious gifts, packed in straw that came first to Dodona and then
            were passed from people to people until they came to Apollo's temple on Delos. Abaris, Hyperborean priest of Apollo,
            was a legendary wandering healer and seer. Theseus and Perseus also visited the Hyperboreans.
                  Along with Thule, Hyperborea was one of several terrae incognitae to the Greeks and Romans, where Pliny and
            Herodotus, as well as Virgil and Cicero, reported that people lived to the age of one thousand and enjoyed lives of com-
            plete happiness. Hesiod mentioned the Hyperboreans, Herodotus reported, "and Homer also in the Epigoni, if that really
            is a work of his". Also, the sun was supposed to rise and set only once a year in Hyperborea, which would place it at the
            North Pole.
                  5  "The 62 members of the [Central] Committee were composed of 5 Russians, 1 Ukrainian, 6 Letts [Latvians], 2
            Germans, 1 Czech, 2 Armenians, 3 Georgians, 1 Karaim [Karaite] (a Jewish sect), and 41 Jews.
                  "The Extraordinary Commission [Cheka or Vecheka (the Soviet secret police and predecessor of the GPU, the
            NKVD and the KGB)] of Moscow was composed of 36 members, including 1 German, 1 Pole, 1 Armenian, 2 Russians,
            8 Latvians, and 23 Jews.
                  "The Council of the People's Commissars [the Soviet government] numbered 2 Armenians, 3 Russians, and 17
                  "According to data furnished by the Soviet press, out of 556 important functionaries of the Bolshevik state, in-
            cluding the above-mentioned, in 1918-1919 there were: 17 Russians, 2 Ukrainians, 11 Armenians, 35 Letts [Latvians],
            15 Germans, 1 Hungarian, 10 Georgians, 3 Poles, 3 Finns, 1 Czech, 1 Karaim, and 457 Jews." (See "The Jewish Role in
            the  Bolshevik  Revolution  and  Russia's  Early  Soviet  Regime"  by  Mark  Weber
            4_Weber.html) Also see "Jews in Russia,: With half-Jews and "damped" Jews" by Victor E. Marsden.

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