Page 5 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 5

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            2.20. The economic conditions for social parasites to capture Midgard-earth ................................ 225
            2.21. Social parasites and the Moon Cult......................................................................................... 233
            2.22. Dark Forces create false image for their intermediaries ......................................................... 246
            2.23. The Israelites start creating the world-wide parasitic system ................................................. 251
            2.24. The Israelites create a parasitic state: the Khazar Khaganate ................................................. 271
            2.25. The Israelites began to create a supranational parasitic system .............................................. 279
            2.26. The Israelites had completed the accrual of funds phase by the beginning of capitalism ...... 297
            2.27. Dark Forces enslave the White Race in the latter half of the Night of Svarog ....................... 301
            2.28. The “Great” Judaic Revolution of 1917 in the Russian Empire ............................................. 311
            2.29. The split between the white and black Israelites after the “Great” Judaic Revolution of 1917
             .......................................................................................................................................................... 315
            2.30. The real reasons for World War II and the persecution of the Israelite- communists ............ 319
            2.31. The American Judaic financiers create fascist Germany ........................................................ 336
            List of illustrations ......................................................................................................................... 350
            Epilogue........................................................................................................................................... 377
            The author’s other books .............................................................................................................. 380
            Books in the Process of Writing .................................................................................................... 382

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