Page 204 - The Mirror of My Soul. Vol. 1
P. 204
Nicolai Levashov. The Mirror of My Soul. Vol. 1. Born in the USSR
People behaved this way both in the USSR and in Germany equally, and, as the
future showed, in the USA too. Everyone wants to get something, but not everyone is
ready to pay for what they got. It is probably the only thing that unites people,
independent of their nationality or class position. Poor people, people of the middle
class, rich people and very rich people act the same way. So, there is a “soul group” of
people, despite all other distinctions!
By the way, it appeared that the concept of friendship in Germany is very specific.
When we conversed, Norbert Steuler was pretty open and told me about some problems
which he had in his life. When I asked, why he did not appeal for help to his friends, his
answer was that in that case he would have to give away half of his company. I was so
surprised by such “friendly” help and I asked him, what the others would do then. He
told me the following: “When the others knew that you had problems, they would do
everything they could in order to ruin you and get your business for peanuts, and if
possible—everything else they can lay their hands on...
This was totally unacceptable for me. It was unacceptable in 1990, in the Soviet
times and it remains unacceptable now, after I have lived in the USA for fifteen years.
Man should behave like a human being in any conditions, independent of which country,
time and social structure he lives in. And there is no justification for treachery, meanness,
dishonesty, etc. Usually people look for the opportunity to justify their actions to appease
their consciences, if, they have one!
As I found out later, far from all people have a concept of conscience and the notion
of “pangs of conscience” is unknown to some. For example, the Judaic Torah gives very
clear instructions/orders that Jews have no obligations in regard to goyim (non-Jews);
that there is no necessity to honour their oaths and fulfill promises given to goyim, and
there are many other things.
The concept of the so-called Russian soul which so many people are unable to
understand and will never understand is much closer for me personally. Mockery
concerning the enigmatic Russian soul appears because of fear which inevitably occurs
in people, whose mentality does not allow them to understand, what the enigmatic
Russian soul is! And that, which cannot be understood is feared and hated, because it is
envied at the subconscious level! Certainly, there are enough dregs and scoundrels
among genetically Russian people, especially since during almost the whole 20 century,
the purposeful physical elimination of the flower of the Russian nation was carried out
and “new” moral norms were imposed upon to those who survived.
I do not look blindly or one-sidedly at the essence of things, as some might think.
Russian people still preserve that precious spark of spiritual cleanness which other
people have already lost or never had... But, as they say, tastes differ. Someone can
readily give up this “unnecessary” con-science in order to make his life easier and more
comfortable. Someone is ready to step over dead bodies and, unfortunately, does it quite
often... But, it was unacceptable for me then and is unacceptable now...
On my returning from Bamberg, I continued to receive patients. By this time, I got
the information that my companions had a very strange concept of “free healing”. Their
“free” treatment appeared to be much more expensive for people, who trusted them, than
my chargeable help. When I reminded them about their promises and about the fact that
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