Page 65 - The Mirror of My Soul. Vol. 1
P. 65

Nicolai Levashov. The Mirror of My Soul. Vol. 1. Born in the USSR

           simply lied so as not to have to pay for my work. But no one ever said that they had no

           illness and I took away nothing.

                Observing the conduct of people, I understood one truth—not everyone who asks
           for help deserves it! And my further experience confirmed fully the rightness of my
                The story with this man ended as follows. In a year plus a little more, I accidentally
           met the woman again and she said to me: “You know, my ill-fated neighbor was healthy
           during the whole year till that day, but when he woke up in the morning next day, he

           was already unable to move on his own and died in the evening of the same day.”

                He immediately got back everything that he “never” had and that I “never” took
           away! I do not know, what he thought about in the last day of his life, maybe he even
           felt sorry for his avidity and meanness, but I am sure he remembered well my words, to
           which there were several witnesses including his wife’s brother. Meanness and avidity
           was punished, and I felt no pity for him, I considered that he had got what he deserved.

                I was surprised at only one thing. I did not expect my words to come true on the
           same day, exactly as I had said. It turned out that my words had real force and I thought
           that I needed to be more careful with what I said and how I said it. This case was another

           unexpected discovery... After it I did not change my attitude toward people in general; I
           only realized the fact that people are very different and not all people are good.

                                                        * * *
                I continued to work at the institute. There were several professional psychologists
           in  our  department,  many  of  whom  were  very  interested  in  my  experiments  and
           researches. Some of them even became my supporters with whom I shared my new
           discoveries and ideas. Everyone in the department knew about my healing abilities and
           my engagement in my own researches. As it had zero influence on my work, no one

           objected; besides, I did my own research after work, in my personal time. In fact, no one
           cared, what I did after work, the most important for them was that I did everything
           required of me to complete my tasks.

                One day the head of my group, who I knew whilst still a student and who was
           greatly interested in my experiments and abilities, said that another person, who also
           could heal people, wanted to meet me. He had been eager to meet me earlier, before I
           went into the army. He had a group, to which he gave classes, and he often invited people
           who, from his point of view, were interesting.

                This man called me and we agreed to meet in his flat. His name was Yuri Yurievich.
           He was a short person, about forty years old. When I arrived at the appointed time, his
           group  was  already  assembled.  These  were young  people,  men  and  women in  theirs

           twenties, no older. Yuri, as he told me to call him, asked me to talk about my experiences.
           I told them about my methods of influencing a person and that I had learned to rebuild
           the brain of another person, which gave them absolutely new abilities, such as the ability
           to see the internal organs, to move in the past, present and future, etc.

                My story was of enormous interest to these people because none of them was able
           to do it, including their teacher. They asked me, whether it was possible for them to go
           through  such  a  trans-formation  of  the  brain.  I  saw  no  reason  to  refuse  and  asked

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